Environmental Science
Environmental Science is that branch of knowledge thatinvolves the study of different components of the environment that interact andresult in such phenomena, which can be either beneficial or harmful for theenvironment and the beings dependent on it for their sustenance.
Defined as the study of all living and non living factors inan ecosystem and how human activity impacts the natural cycles.
(industry, government, daily living)
It is a profession that applies science and mathematics tomake the properties of matter and sources of energy useful in structures,machines, products, systems, and processes
EnvironmentalEngineering is manifest by sound engineering thought and practice in the solutionof problems of environmental sanitation, notably in the provision ofsafe, palatable, and ample public water supplies; the proper disposal ofor recycle of wastewater and solid wastes; the adequate drainage ofurban and rural areas for proper sanitation; and the control of water,soil, and atmospheric pollution, and the social and environment impact of thesesolutions. Furthermore, it is concerned with engineering problems in thefield of public health, such as control of athropod-borne diseases, theelimination of industrial health hazards, and the provision of adequatesanitation in urban, rural, and recreational areas, and the effect oftechnological advances on the environment. (ASCE)
- Provision of safe, palatable, and ample public watersupplies
- Proper disposal of or recycling of wastewater and solidwastes
- Control of water, soil, and atmospheric pollution (includingnoise as an atmospheric pollutant)
Environmental Code of Ethics
- Use knowledge and skill for the enhancement and protectionof the environment
- Hold paramount the health, safety and welfare of theenvironment
- Perform services only in areas of personal exercise
- Be honest and impartial in serving the public, youremployers, your clients, and the environment
- Issue public statements only in an objective and truthfulmanner.
Results of Industrialization
- Polluted Environment
- Health Hazards
- Dwindling Resources
- Hazardous Chemicals
- Over-consumption
- Environmental disasters
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